
Pure filtered water saves energy and the environment

Boiling Billy is Australia's premier manufacturer of filtered instant boiling water and filtered instant chilled  water units for use in private and commercial applications. Located in Victoria Australia and represented by agents covering every state the Boiling Billy brand has been established in Australia since 1993.

Our products work on water pressure alone, so there is no need for complex electronic control boards, pumps, sensors or electronic taps, making the Boiling Billy™ the most energy efficient unit on the market!

Our units cover all types of purposes whether you need boiling, chilled, ambient or hot water your needs will be fulfilled with Boiling Billy™.

Electronic controller of the boiling unitElectronic controller of the boiling unitAll our units either run on 1.8Kw or 2.4Kw elements and as we have no other power consuming devices fitted as standard our products are extremely energy efficient and good for the environment. Almost all Boiling Billy™ units are 100% Australian made and 98% recyclable, even our filter cartridges are recyclable and this makes our products extremely easy to repair rather than replace compared with many other brands.

Our heating element contains its own small electronic control unit so it's easily replaced when it eventually does wear out. Everything else is recyclable. That means only 2% of our product ends up as landfill.

For the most efficient, value for money units you can't go past a Boiling Billy™.